Lirik Lagu John Legend Someday

Lirik Lagu John Legend Someday - Hallo sahabat m-liriklagu , salah satu portal yang memberikan informasi tentang Lirik Lagu indonesia dan barat, Pada sharing kali ini yang berjudul Lirik Lagu John Legend Someday, saya telah menyediakan lirik lagu lengkap dengan kord gitarnya dari awal lagi sampai akhir lagu. mudah-mudahan isi postingan kunci gitar yang saya tulis ini dapat anda pahami. okelah, ini dia chord gitarnya.

Di sini kami hanya untuk mengarsipkan sebanyak - banyaknya , agar lebih mudah di apresiasi dan dinyanyikan oleh kita semua para pecinta musik tanah air serta mancanegara. Untuk melengkapi, kali ini admin akan coba arsipkan Lirik Lagu John Legend Someday

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Lirik Lagu John Legend Someday

lirik lagu barat

As days go by and fade to nights
I still question why you left
I wonder how it didnt work out
But now youre gone
And memories all I have for now

But no, its not over
Well get older, well get over
Well live to see the day that I hope for
Come back to me

I still believe that well get it right again
Well come back to life again
We wont say another goodbye again
Youll live forever with me

Someday, someday
Well be together
Someday, someday
Well be together

I heard someday might be today
Mysteries of destinies
They are somehow and are someway

For all we know they come tomorrow
For today my eyes are open
My arms are raised for your embrace
My hands are here to mend what is broken

To feel again to walk on the face
I believe there is more to life
Oh, I love you much more than life itself
I believe I can change your mind
Revive what is dying inside

And someday, someday
Well be together
Someday, someday
Well be together

Someday, someday
Well be together
Well be together
Well be together someday

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